Leap Day!

Leap Day! First and second class completed a Time Capsule sheet for Leap Day, 29th February. Their sheets were sealed in an envelope, which they will open on the next Leap Day on 29th February 2028, when they will be in fifth and sixth class!

World Book Day

World Book Day The boys and girls were busy marking World Book Day on March 7th. 5th class had a Design a Potato book character competition. Well done to all who took part. Have a look at the brilliant entries!

Christmas Shoebox Appeal

Team Hope Christmas Shoebox Appeal Well done to all of the boys and girls who prepared shoeboxes for the Team Hope Christmas Shoebox Appeal this year. We are very proud of the huge effort they made. In total, 70 shoeboxes were collected from our school last Wednesday and they will go to children affected by …

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